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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nomad Alien Planets May Fill Our Milky Way Galaxy

  A nomad planet is a planet that doesn't orbit a host star, they just hurtle around space. There may be a shocking 100,000 times more of these planets than stars in the Milky Way!
  "If any of these nomad planets are big enough to have a thick atmosphere, they could have trapped enough heat for bacterial life to exist".
  We don't really know what these planets would be like - gas giants, icy or terrestrial. But our galaxy may be teeming with them, and to me that is is really exciting. Apparently, if the estimated number of these nomad planets is correct, exciting things could happen, like: collisions could break them apart and fling bacterial life onto other bodies. That, in my opinion, would be REALLY cool.


  1. Wow! I had no idea that nomad planets existed! I always thought that a planet is classified as a planet ONLY if it orbits a star of its own. So, are you going to use this idea in your planet project?! That would be kind of cool. :)

    1. No, because I wanted to call my host star Tartarus, which is SUCH a cool name! I did consider it, though. I'm also making a twin planet for mine, and moons - I wonder if these planets can have moons?

    2. Catriona, this is really cool, I had no idea about nomad planets. Great detail and very interesting good job :)
